Friday 3 August 2012

Excerpt Three

Seven days I spent crawling around that dark and damp room they called a prison.  Seven days without water or even edible food to fill my gut.  How is this even humane, to lock a man away without a trial.  I guess I should expect no less from the Orcs, such a barbaric race.  Not to mention the unfavourable rumours of the growing weakness and corruption seeded deep within the Imperial Legion.

I could feel the cold winds of Skyrim province filling my chest.  The frost biting at my fingers and toes was almost unbearable.  What I wouldn't have done for a new pair of boots.

There were two men in front of and one beside me.  They bound our hands and threw the four of us in a carriage pulled by two horses.  Till this day I still do not know what the crimes were of the other three, I guess I should of asked.  I was, after all, considered to be with them.  One man kept talking about some rebellion and how the guy beside me was destined to be king.  At least that's what I could make out.  If he was a real king, why was he bound with the likes of us?  Either way, I don't think asking him would of helped.  His tongue had been cut out and I am sure someone had a good reason to do so.

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